QPA quiver (with relation)
  Relation array (obsolete if relations are detected in quiver input)
    Use mousewheel to zoom in/out. Click-and-drag on canvas/edge to pan.
Shorten distance between vertices connected by multple arrows may clarify the arrows.
       |   Filename:       (Use  svg2tikz  to convert to tikz)    |    Load from JSON:
   |    Bend edge more (select edge first and choose):
Input format:
For quiver (with relations):
Quiver( [.. list of vertices ..], [..[src,tar,arr_name]..] ) [ ... list of relations ... ]
"Quiver()" can be omitted.
Relations must be the last array and cannot be 2-dimensional.
Relations in the "QPA Quiver code" has priority over those in "Relation code".
Known Limitation:
- Can only detect finite field of characteristic at most 61
- Email me (aaron dot kychan at gmail dot com) for comments and issues