This is a (yet another) seminar series that will be run ONLINE until further notice.
We are based in Japan and thus the talks are usually held
in the working hours of the
Asia-Pacific-friendly time-zones.
Check also our
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Past Talks
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Previous seminars: 2022-04 ~ 2024-03, 2020 ~ 2022-03, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2015-16, 2014, 2013.
This seminar series is run jointly by the following members of University of Tokyo and Nagoya University, ordered by surname:
Noriyuki Abe 阿部 紀行 (Tokyo)
Aaron Chan (Nagoya)
Yasuaki Gyoda 行田 康晃 (Tokyo)
Osamu Iyama 伊山 修 (Tokyo)
Hiroyuki Nakaoka 中岡 宏行 (Nagoya)
Ryo Takahashi 高橋 亮 (Nagoya)
Oct 2020 ~ Mar 2022: Tsutomu Nakamura 中村 力 (Mie, ex:Tokyo)
Oct 2020 ~ Sep 2022: Erik Darpö (Linköping, ex:Nagoya)